Disability Awareness Training

Put your employees in a position to interact with disabled customers successfully and with ease through disability awareness and sensibility training.

There is no need to approach disability with caution

Our disability awareness seminars train attendees to treat people and customers of all abilities with equal amounts of dignity and respect, while responding to their individual needs in the most appropriate way.

Lifting the veil on personal interaction

We'll introduce your employees to a diverse group of people with disabilities, breaking down the barriers to personal interaction and understanding.

The power of socialization

Interacting with customers in ways that afford them due respect is critical to success. How should you address people with disabilities or refer to their individual needs?

Our training helps employees Understand the language of disability, allowing them to recognize customer preferences for person-first or identity-first language. Unintentional marginalization of customers with disabilities can be avoided when employees listen and practice awareness.

Responding to requests for accommodation

Special requests for disability accommodation often catch service employees off-guard. Our training is industry-specific and educates employees on what to expect.

Responding to reasonable requests for accommodation is a responsibility of all businesses under the Americans with Disabilities Act. We'll empower employees with the knowledge necessary to respond to these requests in a way that offers satisfaction to customers.

Ready to get started?

Awareness breeds community.